Volunteer Agreement
This Volunteer Agreement is in relation to your voluntary work for UK PonyCon. This agreement is not intended to be legally binding contract.
Key Points
Neither party intends any employment relationship to be created either now or at any time in the future.
There is no obligation of duties on either party, and may be cancelled at any time at the discretion of either party.
You: The volunteer
If you agree to volunteer at UK PonyCon you commit to the following:
To perform the volunteer role to the best of your ability.
To attend a volunteers briefing before starting your first shift.
To adhere to all rules, procedures and standards, especially any health and safety procedures.
To not put yourself into any dangerous situation or perform any activities you are not comfortable with.
To act in a appropriate manner when dealing with any attendees, other volunteers or venue staff.
To check that any equipment you are using is safe to use, and to inform a committee member immediately if anything unsafe
To take care of all equipment, furniture and other items you are asked to handle.
To meet the time commitments and/or shifts allocated to you.
Where this is not possible, please provide notice so that alternative arrangements can be made e.g. if you need to withdraw.
We may operate a shift logging system. If we do, you agree to sign in and out at the start and end of your volunteering
Us: UK PonyCon
We commit to the following:
We will provide an appropriate volunteers briefing including health and safety matters.
We will support you to help you have an enjoyable volunteering experience.
Drinks and suitable place to rest will be provided throughout your shifts.
To provide appropriate tools to perform your duties.
Hi-vis or other safety equipment or clothing will be provided to you where necessary.
Any other clothing provided (such as T-shirts) may be worn at the volunteer’s discretion as part of the marketing for the convention and is not mandatory.
We will provide a reference if requested.