Meet the Committee
The Committee are the core members of the team who volunteer their time throughout the year to make UK PonyCon possible.
UK PonyCon Team
Maz is excited to lead the UK PonyCon team for a sixth time. When he’s not working hard for the con, he’s sleeping, eating, riding trains or playing with computers. His favourite pony is Fluttershy.
Vice-Chair and Art and Design Lead
Sparkler likes unicorns. She even liked them before they were cool. As the most senior committee member Sparkler enjoys a spot of gardening (to keep her sanity mainly) and cuddling her pet bunnies!
Ever-loyal guard to Best Pony Luna, and about as friendly as his OC is grumpy, Umbra is a proud geek who was introduced to pastel ponies at Uni and has unwittingly (but happily) drifted from newbie to fan to con-regular to panellist to staff and now treasurer, finally putting the day job to good use in the ponysphere!
Stalls Lead
A Brony since mid 2011, and having joined the committee in 2017, Metaphor is powered by coffee and looking forward to yet another year on the committee. He is also an amateur writer and a budding YouTube celebrity (or so he likes to think).
Skydream (she/her)
Volunteers Lead
Enthusiastic amateur and full time horse, Skydream is a long time pegasister. A G4 and G5 enthusiast, she can be found helping out around UKPC. She also thinks Izzy Moonbow is best pony.
Events Lead and MC
Midnight Dynasty (aka Bexi) is very excited to be UK PonyCon’s Events Lead and MC for a seventh year and her eighth as a committee member! At the convention you will usually find her on the stage or on a quest to find elderflower cordial or bubble tea. If anyone reads this and brings her a potato to the convention she will be most pleased – extra points for glitter!
Amlaur (she/her)
Children & Family Events Lead, Collectors Events Lead and Britannia Buddies Lead
Amlaur has enjoyed MLP since she collected them as a child and is an avid collector now with a ponyroom full of all generations of Pony. She joined the fandom when she started watching FiM at the end of 2013. Attended her first UKPC as a stall assistant in 2014, VIP attendee 2015, volunteer 2016 and joined the committee in 2017.
Events Assistant
Originally developing a chronic horse addiction in 2011, he successfully underwent rehab a few years later and led an equine-free life before relapsing hard in 2021. He's been volunteering at conventions for almost a decade, but never attended a pony event until volunteering at UK PonyCon last year. He hopes to do horse-things with horse-people and have a good horse-time.
Charity Auction Lead
Hi I’m Lisey AKA Elise. I love all things My Little Pony, especially G1. You can find me hunting out Crumpets and Ribbs for my army.
Ember (he/him)
Events Assistant
You've found Ember! (We're still not sure if that's a good thing...) He joined the herd at the start of G4 and is DJ Pon3's #1 Fan! He's always ready for a good time and will talk for hours about ponies. He'll be causing mischief all over UK PonyCon and the UKPonyCONLINE Discord server. Don't encourage him. You'll find him wherever the plushies are!
Irish O’Conner (he/him)
Special Guest Assistant
Since coming to UK PonyCon 2015 and then starting to volunteer in 2017, he has many wonderful memories of what this convention has done for the MLP fan community from the UK and beyond. Whenever you need somepony to cover an event or even request the most smallest thing, he is the pony for the job. You won't hear the slightest argument from him, as he loves his job and wants everypony to have a great time. That is his great time.
Events Assistant
Starlight Glimmer apologist. Been going to UK PonyCon since 2016 and probably shouldn’t be in charge of the events assistance.
Music Lead and Tech Lead
Been in the fandom since 2011 - likes all things animation and has been brought up with cartoons from the 80's and 90's all the way to today. Not musically talented but enjoys the being behind the sound desk to make other sound louder. See you on the Mane Stage
Nekky (he/him)
Events Assistant & Britannia Buddies Helper
Joined the FiM Fandom in the G4-S1/2 era, attending cons since 2014, and helping UKPC since 2016, this is their second year on committee! Came to their first UK PonyCon as a G4-only-brony, left with a great love, respect & enjoyment for all the older pony gens & the greater fandom’s roots! When not at Con, they help organize their local pony meet-ups, and you'll often find them on the UKPC Discord Social Nights.
Reskell (they/them)
Communications Lead, Venue Decorations Lead & Artist
Reskell is UK PonyCon’s resident Pipp Petals, running the conventions social media accounts! They are also in charge of decorations and a member of the arts team who works entirely by hand! Reskell can be found at UK PonyCon tracking down every Minuette, failing at baking or in fursuit!
Operations Helper
I have been helping out at pony cons since BUCK 2016. Some of you might have met me at Grifish Isles, GalaCon, BronyScot, past UK PonyCons, or even Confuzzled. This is my second time on a committee, and I will do my best to deliver time of your life. Approachable and happy to meet you all. Come and say 'Hi' when you find a minute during the Con.
Operations Helper
Looks angry, is actually really glad you're here. Brony since G4, with no experience of prior generations, but always happy to learn. Enjoyer of shenanigans and loves a bad pun or twelve.
Arctic Rose
I have been volunteering for UK PonyCon since 2016 and joined the committee before the first lockdown. When not working for the con I am delivering packages at night or playing games with friends. My favorite characters are Discord and Izzy Moonbow.
Arts Team
Aura Wave (he/they)
Aura (also known as Lucas). 32. Majestic unicorn. Drawer of pictures and player of video games. Longs for Y2K nostalgia. Relative newcomer to the whole pony thing. Has also been known to be a bit of a furry.
Avui (Jake) (they/them)
When Jake learned to hold a pen, they started drawing. Up to this day, they still love to make art and spend hours making animated films. They have always watched My Little Pony and collected the figures, way back since Generation 1. When Gen 4 was introduced, it didn’t take long before ponies had to be drawn. They happily live with their husband, daughter and cats. Other than collecting ponies, Jake is also a Pokémon TCG collector.
Beatlinked (Edward) (they/them)
Edward is a My Little Pony: The Movie (2017) style illustrator that is the biggest Firefly fan you will meet. They are a G1 nerd, especially when it comes to Rescue at Midnight Castle, Love the Wonderbolts and Big Macintosh! Non-Pony wise, they enjoy RWBY, playing Pokémon, and especially mice.
Coco is a life long pony fan and collector, with a soft spot for G3 ponies. He's a freelance illustrator and graphic novelist working from Brighton on a range of projects: comics, animation and character design. He enjoys Rubik's cubes, hiking and ponies ponies ponies!
If you’re looking for an artist of all trades, you can count on Vera to be the one! Whether you’re looking for art of the Seven Dwarves, fluffy cats, colourful fruit bats or cute ponies, you will find that Vera will enchant you with her art, as her style is very unique and recognizable. Next to drawing, she also enjoys baking, gardening and taking care of her two cats.
Puck is a Dutch pony artist who has been dedicated to the world of pony art since 2015. Their work ranges from cute sticker designs to full one layer paintings. Besides their creative work, Puck is currently studying for their Bachelor's degree in Koreastudies. Naturally, this means they spend most of their free time enjoying the realms of Kpop and Kdrama. Amidst all these endeavours, Puck shares a warm home with two beloved feline companions.
JowyB became well known in the early days of the G4 fandom for his title cards based on Friendship is Magic episodes and over the years he established himself as an artist who enjoyed painting not just the colourful equines but their world of Equestria in a ridiculous amount of detail and colour. He also has been a regular vendor with UK Ponycon since 2015 offering one-off canvases he hand draws. In recent years he has been branching out into many different areas of his freelance career however his true passion is to make and sell more work based on his original characters and universe, and even bring his many manga ideas to life. This being said he will always have time for the MLP fandom.
Forum and Discord Team
We also have a number of volunteer administrators and moderators for the UK PonyCon Forum and Discord server, who are also long term friends of the convention that help throughout the year.
Forum Admin
Has been part of the convention family since the very first in 2004. She spends far too much of her time on plastic ponies and then making costumes of said plastic ponies. Also, never diss Derpy Hooves in her presence ^_~
Forum and Discord Admin
Pinkkittywinks’s got Cotton Candy for her fourth birthday in the early 1980’s. In 2003 she rediscovered her childhood collection and it reawakened her love of ponies. She became involved with UK PonyCon in 2004 and co-ran UK PonyCon 2005 alongside Silly Sunshine.
Want to help UK PonyCon?
We’ll be recruiting in 2024! Check out our Volunteer page in future for more information about vacant positions and how to apply.